AMES, Iowa -- Minnesota rivals Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann sparred bitterly Thursday night during an eight-candidate Republican debate, trying to break out of the GOP presidential pack ahead of an Iowa test vote with huge consequences. Each seeks to become the main challenger to Republican ...
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Can Obama force ‘big deal’ on GOP? - The Arena | POLITICO.COM
The Arena is a cross-party, cross-discipline forum for intelligent and lively conversation about political and policy issues.
The Note: Spending Showdown: GOP’s Pre-Emptive Strike On Obama ...
Republican leaders over the weekend previewed their arguments against the spending proposals President Obama plans to outline in his State of the Union address tomorrow ...
Obama should respond to the GOP smears at tonight's debate ...
The McCain camp, or should I say the Hannity campaign of PA released a vile press release that says: A TERRORIST'S BEST FRIEND." That's pretty disgusting even by Rovian standards.
GOP Debate Live Blog
GOP Debate Live Blog. The CNN New Hampshire GOP presidential debate is scheduled to begin at 8pm Eastern, so pop some popcorn, grab your favorite beverage or 6 and join in the fun ...
South Carolina Debate: News & Updates From The First GOP ...
GREENVILLE, S.C. -- The 2012 election season begins Thursday in earnest with the Republican Party’s first presidential primary debate here at 9 p.m. ET. But only ...
Is Congress acting its age? - The Arena | POLITICO.COM
The Arena is a cross-party, cross-discipline forum for intelligent and lively conversation about political and policy issues.
GOP gov hopefuls meet to debate, bash Obama - GOP governor ...
Political Reporter/ President Obama's former colleagues in the Illinois state Senate used him as a punching bag Thursday in the first - 41528768; GOP governor ...
Obama, GOP debate small-business tax - Washington Times
This year's debate over extending President George W. Bush's tax cuts has turned into a brawl over which party is doing more for small businesses, with assertions that the health ...
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